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Long, C. (2019, May 15). Pathological demand avoidance: what it is and why do social
workers need to know? Retrieved from Community Care:

Long, C., (2021). Autism and Trauma: a personal perspective. The Transactional Analyst,

Gullon-Scott, F. & Long, C. (2022). FII and Perplexing Presentations: What is the Evidence
Base for and against Current Guidelines, and What are the Implications for Social
Services? British Journal of Social Work, 1-17.

Long et. al. (2022). Fabricated or Induced Illness and Perplexing Presentations –
Abbreviated Practice Guidance for Social Work Practitioners, BASW.

Long, et. al., (2023) PANS, PANDAS and Fabricated or Induced Illness: A Guide for Social
Work, Healthcare and Education Professionals, PANS PANDAS UK.

O'Nions, et. al., (November 2023). How can autistic adults be supported in primary care?
British Journal of General Practice, 518-521

Eaton, J., (2023), Autism Missed and Misdiagnosed: Identifying, Understanding and
Supporting Diverse Autistic Identities, (Chapter 9) Cathleen Long, Jessica Kingsley